Countries Visited
A Perez Voyages
American Samoa
Where am I?
Living Like a Palauan (One Year Later..)
In slew of instagram and Tiktok stories and posts of celebrating Living Like A Palauan was more than just a year later reflection. But the legacy of that project for all that i do. Living like a palauan, was a result a deep intention from the moment I booked a flight...
2023 REWIND | The Realization of “One Ocean, One People”
This year was by far twice as tougher than the last, and 2022 was a difficult year of setting up the groundwork of what this year was. 2023 was the year I truly put myself out there, showed face of who I truly am and what I love from the depths of my heart: culture,...
Peleliu: THEN & NOW 🇵🇼
"Echoes of war in the Palau islands to the relics that stand in the jungles of Peleliu, this is a voyage into past & present, to a war that changed the world." Reflections & Project Background/Context Publishing any large scale project in December is...

A Spiritual Journey to The Pageant | with Angel Vitale | American Samoa
I present to you your newly crowned Miss American Samoa! But you see, my meeting and connection with Angel was beyond the pageant!Three weeks ago Angel and I sat down for lunch initially on the light concept of doing collaborative work. But we sat down over coffee...

The “Superbowl” of American Samoa (Voyage Sneak Peek)
The fautasi race is one of the biggest, if not the biggest event that is the flag day for American Samoa. The fautasi race is a historic event that revolves around pride throughout the number of villages present with their boats. Each with a unique theme and motto,...

Living Like a Palauan (One Year Later..)
In slew of instagram and Tiktok stories and posts of celebrating Living Like A Palauan was more than just a year later reflection. But the legacy of that project for all that i do. Living like a palauan, was a result a deep intention from the moment I booked a flight...

It was ROUGH! 😬 | Truth Behind Peleliu: Then & Now
In August/ September of 2022, I had the beautiful opportunity to explore the island of Peleliu in Palau. Home to one of the bloodiest battles of world war 2, often overlooked due to much larger scale battles. A year since the exploration, is Peleliu: Then & Now, a...

Peleliu: THEN & NOW 🇵🇼
"Echoes of war in the Palau islands to the relics that stand in the jungles of Peleliu, this is a voyage into past & present, to a war that changed the world." Reflections & Project Background/Context Publishing any large scale project in December is...

Tuvalu: A Journey of Reminiscence & My Excitement to Return
Exactly 5 years ago, I was in one of my favorite places of my voyages. And at the time I went , it was one of my top anticipated destinations. Not because of social media or YesTheory’s viral video. Hell, YesTheory hadn’t even been there yet. I went because I was...
A Little About A. Perez

At 26 years old, I left my job and your average 9-5 life in South Carolina to travel the world. I spent 6 incredible months in Southern Europe and ended up becoming a nomad. Eight years later, I am still exploring, at 39 countries and then some. My goal is to listen, observe, learn, and respectful share all beautiful elements of the world, from beautiful destinations to beautiful cultural immersion.