World travel is one of the most incredible life changing and educational experiences no classroom nor workplace can compare to. Experiencing new destinations, learning of new cultures, people, tradition, customs, music, cuisine and more.

Although I live in Hawai’i and have lived here throughout the pandemic, I still very much consider myself in a travel state in learning everything I can on this islands while looking at the horizon at what’s next. Nomadism comes in various forms from rugged straight out the rucksack travel to stop then go flow of travel. And all I can say is, the blessing is endless.
But often, most nomads donʻt really speak of the ”unspoken realities of nomadic travel”. The drawbacks that result from consistent moving from place to place opposite of being grounded.
Here we go:

No Close Friends
In the 6 years since I set off for the open road, I have met so many people and made endless connections around the world. From the very like-minded backpacker, to strangers passing by, and to those who have taken me into their home. And while I am grateful to have friends across the globe, from Greece to New Zealand, Tuvalu, and Croatia, itʻs insanely difficult growing with those friends on the other side of the planet. At least on a personal level that the computer or phone screen doesnʻt offer.

As for living in a place, I could say itʻs just about the same exact thing. Having lived in both New Zealand on a work visa & Hawai’i, itʻs not exactly easy building true connections with a wide array of people if youʻre not going to stay for a long time. I mean donʻt get me wrong, Iʻve kept in contact with many friends throughout my travels. But itʻs not the same as a consistent friendship you would have in one place. This is very apparent in Honolulu, Hawai’i where most locals are used to people coming and going. So trying to establish long term friendships isnʻt exactly in anyones priority. As for those visiting or here short term, nice knowing you!

Promises of Settling Down
Nomadic travel is quite the opposite of settling down as it obviously entails picking up and going literally, whenever you want. But even that reality alone can catch up sometimes as you low key want to have some semblance of a place to call home. A place that you know you can come back to. But that addiction of adventure and new ahead always pulls you in feening for more.

Long Term Love
Possibly the most heartbreaking and most obnoxious of all three of these, is love. Love is a powerful and emotional experience to have, especially with the right partner. But in this nomadic world, even the most seemingly perfect partner might seem less perfect than in an ordinary world. And as much as I donʻt mean to sound narrow minded and deflective of the possibility that the perfect one is out there. The truth is, itʻs insanely difficult so what Iʻve recently been told, “nearly impossible” to accomplish.

Love is everywhere and I know true love is out there for me. But I do understand the sacrifice that comes with travel, is that it narrows that down slim to near none.
The truth is, there really isnʻt much room for long term love. The kind where commitment means building a foundation for a future together in what most likely would be in a grounded situation. And most likely and more than likely, itʻs either that or extensive travel (Or far less of it). I mean who says extensive travel for a near life timespan isnʻt possible with two. But chances are, one of two may be ready to settle while the other is still on addictive honeymoon of adventure mode with the planet.

Personally, Iʻve experienced two relationships that didnʻt end so well due to natural differences between us so maybe I am a bit biased. But my travel addiction and ambitions always seemed to be the main blame in all of those problems. That I was too stubborn to get out of my “ways” of how I traveled. Or that I should wait for my partner or [some random reason goes here] to start traveling.
Having to prevent potential relationships from progressing as to not allow for any heartbreak to occur from picking up and going. That is insanely hard on the heart, especially if you believe youʻve found your true companion. I mean what is a true companion if you match in hearts but not in lifestyle. Is that even a true partner or is nomadism that “problematic”?

In Summary
These three mentions are on a level of a inner slow burn heartbreak. One that is drawn out with time and emotions in the shadows yet felt so strongly. And honestly, from time to time I get my doubts about it all questioning myself, “Is this all worth it?
Well, to be honest, it is.
The open road can get lonely more often than it seems no matter who comes along the way. But when you look at the scale and ratio of the literal entire planet of adventure. Your purpose of a traveler is everything too. The many dimensions beyond what you see, the people, the music, the culture, the tradtions. It becomes virtually impossible to not want to stop expanding your mind to this ongoing learning experience.

Everything in Balance
As I am around the corner for 34 years old, I find myself in the beginning stages of realizing that I am not getting any younger. However, priorities are priorities and for me, traveling is that very priority of mine. But yet I do understand that regardless of ones dream, goals, & ambitions, balance is everything too. Understanding that one is deserving of close friends, some semblance of a place to call home regardless of where it is, and of course to love and be loved.