The fautasi race is one of the biggest, if not the biggest event that is the flag day for American Samoa. 

american samoa fautasi boat race fagatogo

The fautasi race is a historic event that revolves around pride throughout the number of villages present with their boats. Each with a unique theme and motto, with designs that range from different materials. costing in the $100,000’s. 🚣🏽 Fautasi takes places of a voyaging narrative. But little did I know, it IS the voyaging narrative. And I just so happen to be here for it all! #blessed 🌊

american samoa fautasi race boat

 Thank you guys for all the support on this onward and inward journey into American Samoa and the Pacific Islands🥹


& You’ll REALLY want to stay tuned <3

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A Perez Voyages YouTube Channel: Explore the world through the lens of A Perez Voyages, a captivating YouTube channel dedicated to travel and adventure. Discover immersive travel vlogs, cultural experiences, and breathtaking landscapes from various destinations worldwide. Join the journey and indulge in the beauty of diverse cultures, culinary delights, and awe-inspiring sights, all expertly captured and shared on this engaging YouTube channel.