“It’s not the beginning or the destination that counts. It’s the ride in between…This train is alive with things that should be seen and heard. It’s a living, breathing something — you just have to want to learn its rhythm.”

In a world of plane travel, so many people miss the wonders of what travel could be like on the ground. No, not like in a car or a bus (I mean yea taking a road trip is an opportunity I would take at opportunity). I’m talking about train travel. Not on a tram or a city light rail, but a train that goes miles and miles across the nation, more specifically the US of A. Since I was a little voyager, one of my little dreams was to take the train across America, a dream that would finally come true in my days of an adult voyager.

History & Significant of American Railroads
The early 1800’s saw the birth of a new means to transfer goods and eventually, humans across long distances. The steam locomotive was the icon of travel especially into the vast unknown of the American western frontier, a time of expansion across a vast continent. Believe it or not, when I imagine these days in my head I hear old western harmonica music and think of tales of how just wild and lawless it was out there. Train travel is that very essence of retelling history on the very tracks laid upon in a different time in America. Through out the century, with the evolution of automobiles and planes, the golden age of train travel was left in the past. However, that’s not to say that train travel doesn’t exist. The remnants of historic passenger and commercial routes still exist today via regional trains or the famous Amtrak.

Sunset Limited
The Sunset Limited is the oldest train route that is still in operation to this day beginning its service in 1894. It’s route spans 1,995 miles of track beginning in New Orleans in the east and ends at Los Angeles Penn Station.
Note: The original eastern starting point heading west is in Orlando through Jacksonville, the Florida Panhandle, and both southern Alabama & Mississipi. However, sections of the track were destroyed in 2005 by Hurricane Katrina and since then, has been a political mess and debate to get this section back up and running. As of 2021, it has been reported that this section of Amtrak will be back up and in use by early 2022. How exciting!!!!

Segments & Travel Time
I did the New Orleans to Los Angeles route from east to west as part of my long extensive voyage from South Carolina to New Zealand (crazy right?). I would claim I did the entire route but I actually caught a bus from Houston to Austin and another bus from Austin to San Antonio breaking a small link of the trip. I did this so I can spend time with an old friend in Houston and because bus allowed more of a smooth trip as far as scheduling goes from Austin to San Antonio (An Austin to Los Angeles trip had some conflicting schedules). But nonetheless, I still made my journey across America by train.
New Orleans to Houston: 9 hours (approx.)
San Antonio to Los Angeles: 21 hour (approx)
If I took the full New Orleans to Los Angeles route: 48 hours
Note: The route runs three days a week.
The Amtrak does make a number of stops each way for typically a duration of anywhere from a couple of minutes to 10-15 for those who wish to smoke. A handful of stops such as Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, and Tucson have longer duration stops with enough time to get off and spend some time in the city.

Cost in Dollars & Points (One-way)
New Orleans to Houson: Approx 3,000 points
San Antonio to Los Angeles: 141 USD (Booked two days prior to departure)
The full east to west leg is approx. 140 and up assuming you book weeks in advance. 170 and up within the week.
The Experience
Traveling by train as I mentioned earlier was a lifelong dream of mine and to finally have the chance to do this was exhillarating. There is truly nothing else like glancing out at the earth going by outside and having the freedom to get up and about. The sightseer car was by far the greatest experience I had on both legs of my trip. Here you can long out on one of the many chairs, benches, or dining tables read a book, have a coffee, and kick back and watch the changing landscape. Only here opposite of the rest of the train, the windows are larger extending from the floor to the ceiling revealing a look up above.

There is a dining car should one decide to get a decent meal for a high cost. But on a budget, there is a small cafe on the level below the sightseer car that offers decent snacks for a decent price.

Seating / Accommodation
My only slight regret during the longest segment of my trip at 21 hours is that I booked an ordinary coach seat. Sitting in coach comes with one huge benefit, it’s cheap…or should I respectfully say, it’s budget friendly. If you don’t mind paying for an ordinary seat and spending much of your time in the sightseer car this is a solid experience. But on a long haul like this, there comes a point where one needs a good nights rest. And a good nights rest is a very difficult task on a coach seat that reclines into a stretched out letter Z.
If my backpacker budget allowed for a few extra hundred to spare (or if I set aside extra funds) for a sleeper and I knew better first time around, I would have definitely booked one. ROOMETTES are private quarters with room for two. It has two seats, an upper and lower berth for night, and access to a private bath and shower in the same train car. The cost of a sleeper can range anywhere from $500 to over $1000 depending on how far out the ticket is purchased and the rate is lower for shorter travel distances.
Why You Should Consider a Cross Country Trip via Rail?
- Train travel takes longer allowing you to take a break from a high paced life.
- You get to meet and connect with all likes of people.
- Inclement weather is limited to blizzards and hurricanes.
- Prices don’t generally fluctuate as dramatically as planes do.
- It’s a step back in time to when rail travel was the prime means to get around.
- The freedom to roam with space but still be in motion across America.
- The scenery is incredible (especially from the sightseer car.)
- The wait time to get on and go is very minimal.
- Because travel is BEST for the soul!
If you have any questions or feedback regarding my cross country journey via Amtrak, please comment below or contact me on Facebook or Instagram. Be safe & happy travels! 🚂

Check out my entire Sunset Limited train trip from NOLA to LA on Youtube
What a marvelous and spirit strengthening journey this must have been. I will do this one day. Thank you for including prices and the menu.
Aloha Alex,
I’m glad you enjoyed the read of my time on the rails. My hopes in this blog and my vlog is to encourage travel by rail in America as it’s definitely a unique experience for sure. Hope you get the chance to have the experience as well. 🚂 🙂 -A.P.