7 Reasons Living in Honolulu Hawaii Can Feel LONELY!

7 Reasons Living in Honolulu Hawaii Can Feel LONELY!

Kaimana beach is a small beach at the far edge of Waikiki and far enough to enjoy with more residents than tourists. But I realized something in the past several months and that was that I stopped going often to almost, NEVER. After coming back from Kaimana beach for...
Volunteering on A Loʻi (Taro Patch): Hawai’i

Volunteering on A Loʻi (Taro Patch): Hawai’i

Living in Hawai’i is one of the greatest blessings to ever have. Take in consideration the hurdles to get a life set up here and managing the cost of living on an average salary, one could say living here isnʻt the easiest. But once that life is set up here, there are...
Exploring O’ahu 🌺  (Playlist Trailer)

Exploring O’ahu 🌺 (Playlist Trailer)

Hikes to Beaches, Mountains to Sea, O’ahu is the most populous island of Hawai’i, yet filled with ENDLESS ADVENTURE. This montage of some of the incredible places I’ve experienced while living in Hawai’i, is a kickstarter for a playlist of vlogging,...