by Anthony Perez | Oct 10, 2014 | General, North Carolina, Tennessee
As each day, month and year progresses and I grow physically, mentally and just altogether, my preferences in things not only change but they grow. When I hear the phrase “getting older”, one might think of this as a negative thing. Me, although I get one...
by Anthony Perez | Apr 23, 2014 | General, North America, North Carolina, Voyages
Living in the Upstate of South Carolina for several years and growing up in both tropical Florida and urban New Jersey, I realized that there is so much to do here that I was not brought up around. The North Carolina Appalachian Mountains has so many outdoor...
by Anthony Perez | Jan 31, 2014 | General, North America, North Carolina, South Carolina, USA, Voyages
Every single day my wanderlust draws me and my travel desires further and further away from home and abroad to places unknown to me and my family. Each trip I take is further away from home as well. Although I sit behind this work desk with the urge to just get up,...