In 2013, I expanded my travels into new territory. A style of travel that feels like breathing air in my current travel experiences. I took my very first backpacking trip to Central America. My countries of choice: Belize and Guatemala and had my stepdad join the voyage.

While Guatemala gave me that pure culture shock into some raw cultural travel. One that requires you to have your eyes and ears open at all times. Belize was really an unintended smooth transition to become the backpacker I am today. It’s safe, low key, and super laid back from its islands to its mountainous interior.
After 8 years of new travel experiences across the globe, the question is:

To be short and brief…RETIREMENT
….well not me at least not yet.

My mom and stepdad for years dreamed hard of living the years of their retirement in another country. They had far flung places such as the Pacific in mind and destinations in Europe I had traveled to. But they narrowed their sights on Central America.
Costa Rica = Too many expats
Nicaragua = Soon to be too many expats
Panama = …Im honestly not sure what happened with that.

A combination of some friends of friends and memories of our 2013 trip, easy money conversions to an English speaking nation, the choice quickly became Belize
In early 2021, what once was all talk became reality really swiftly with the building of the very vision my mom and stepdad had. 8 months saw an empty lot turn into a beautiful two story home overlooking a beautiful bay soon to be the view of the two people that earned it.
Check out this slider below of the progress..
Out of all the places I’ve could have gone in the world, I chose to come back to Belize, for them. Besides, I really did miss the hell out of my family.

This was the perfect trip, as it was my very first long desired international trip after three years injected with a pandemic. We got to have some fun with a tour over to the Lamanai Mayan ruins, cave tub, and my first zip-lining experience. But this trip also allowed me to reunite with my family for the grandest toast and celebration to years of hard work and sacrifice.

Why this won’t be my last time in Belize?
Because Belize is officially, home! Summer of 2021 saw us saying an emotional goodbye to our home in South Carolina. Only to say hello to the next chapter in our lives in Belize.
Belize is ALSO a place for me to kick back in (At least mom said it’s okay to 😉 ). Not only for a visit, but for me to live as well. Although I live in Hawai’i with intentions of getting in much more world traveling under my belt these next few years, there will come a time where I will decide to reside in Belize as my prime residence. Of course until I continue traveling then too…
…….I just can’t stop!

So yea my fellow vagabond voyagers, Belize is officially home for us and if there is anyone I am super proud of, it’s my mom. All these years she has seen her son project his dreams into real life. For once, the tables have turned.
My mom is now living the life of HER dreams!

Check out the full video version of this post below!
Grandparents forgotten
Never 🙂