First note I would like to make is that this was not the easiest of post to decide to right as I have a long and painful history with depression. But it’s not about my time with depression. It’s about those many factors I worked with on a daily basis to cope with and eventually walk away from depression that I feel is perfectly appropriate for this time.
It’s May 2020 and it’s 5 months into the year and 4 months of it have been completely shit! The coronavirus that began at the literal end of 2019 found it’s way across the globe in a matter of months. Severely affecting Iran, Italy, Spain, and my home city of New York while extending to the far reaches of every corner of the world. I might be used to the everyday life under COVID19 but hell, I still cant believe that we as a planet is experiencing this. People have had to isolate themselves, people have died, families have been broken up, social norms have become social distancing, people have lost their jobs, become homeless, children have had their education routine jumbled up, not to forgot children victim to domestic abuse at home now that there is no school to go to. And I haven’t even mentioned a single thing about the virus itself which is it’s own horror story (I never had coronavirus btw).

This pandemic has brought on fear, stress, and high anxiety on so many levels. If there were already preexisting issues in your life and your home before, times those problems by 19 with Covid19 (horrible pun). This is why I had to write this post because I have honestly fallen victim to the effects of this, sickness we are all living (and it’s not the virus). Week 8 of lockdown/quarantine proved to be fatal and trying across the board as most people began to admit depression. That includes me! Last week I found myself caught up in the cycle of my own mind and the momentum of negativity churned up a new strain of depression, something I never knew I’d find myself in again. Nearly 15 years of depression I experienced from childhood until 23 years old eradicated, and now it’s back. However, in a week I utilized all the things that helped me get through my long term depression and found myself back on track on keeping my mind afloat and sane again. That’s why I am here doing my due diligence to shed and share positivity to my fellow travel mates and simply to the everyday human being who is missing normality and getting caught up in their head during this time.
One of the most refreshing resets to the body is exercising. As one who prefers a gym, I found it quite convenient to utilize Youtube and Fit blogs to do workout at home. But working out not only is great for the body, but it also helps reset the mind by boosting my energy and stamina. One would thing a good workout would make you tired but in fact I found myself more pumped and focused to do things I need and want to do throughout the day. You can easily become a victim to bad posture while at home at the dinner table, couch, or computer desk. If working out is not your thing for whatever reason it is, that’s alright. Do some stretches on the floor.

Learn To Do Something New
When you spend a lot of time at home on your day off, it’s easy to say you’ll get things done since you’re not at work right. But most of the time, we are kicking back binge watching shows on Netflix or Hulu. I fall victim to streaming movies online. Years ago it was playing Call of Duty online for what seemed to be 30 minutes, was hours. But spending this much time without any proper productivity can be detrimental to the mind. Learn and try to do something new everyday and better yet try to master it. Learn how to cook something new (for me cook period), pick up a new language online on a site I use called Italki (lately I’ve been learning Hawaiian), make arts and crafts, find interesting podcasts, or books to read, learn about the stock market and investments (this one has really taken up a lot of my time).

Time Management on Paper
A recent concept I just started utilizing in my daily routine is managine my time and productivity on paper throughout the day. There is nothing more efficient than having a checklist of things to do or accomplish. Throughout the day, I carry a small notepad in my pocket at work and at home. I constantly thing of all the things I need to do and when it comes to mind, I write it down in my notepad to do. I have the big lists such as BLOG, YOUTUBE, ROOM, and a few others. Under Blog: Redesign Logo, Fix website errors. Youtube: Create video for the next week, ideas for new videos. Room: Things I need to Clean up, Rearrange. ETC…

Write In A Journal or Personal Blog
One of the best way to get what’s on your mind, off of your mind is to journal, all of it. For several years through my depression, I spent a lot of time writing in a private online blog about what all I was feeling and experiencing and always did justice for me. Online blogs work for me as I am sort of techy and hate writing for extended periods of time. But writing in a journal might work for you as that pen to paper release just doesn’t do justice. I write in postcards of my travels all the time and is just the best and most simple way to express yourself on paper. In addition to it all, it’s advantageous to have all of this documented for yourself, so you can go back days, weeks, months, or years down the line, and see how much you have progressed in life.

Listen to Music
It not uncommon to state that music really helps the soul. I could be your favorite hard rock song to your favorite piece from Bach, rythm, sound, bass, vocals set a tone for the mind and spirit, and if it’s the right sound, it can bring the mood up real quick. My music playlist consists of a wide array of music. From Classic Rock, Old Jass like Ella Fitzgerald, and Louis Armstrong, Hip Hop from Run Dmc, to Drake, and Jay-Z, Alternative from MGMT to Cage the Elephant, EDM…the list goes on. But what I found to be the most soothing mind resetting music after a long stressful day at work or at home, is classical. I come home from work, put on Pandora to classical, and hop in the shower. When I work on the computer, I put on headphone, put on Pandora to classical, and helps me focus better. If classical music ain’t your thing, give it a try someday, it might be exactly what you need. Another favorite I listen to at anytime, is flamenco guitar. An ultimate favorite of mine is music by Gustavo Santaoalalla. Check him out:
Virtual Travel
One of my favorite things to do every single day if I happen to be sitting on my laptop or on my phone, is to virtually travel to places I’ve never been. And that is best done on Google Maps. Thanks to evolving technology, street views, and 360 cameras, one can drop down just about anywhere in the world and have a full panorama of a mountain, waterfall, or simply a road where you might want to take a road trip. Hell, you can even virtually visit museums. Just about most to all of my travels have become realities based on a dream. And that dream began by a simple curiosity on Google Maps.
Check out my first Youtube post on virtual travel to 10 Random Places around the world.
Get Some Fresh Air
At the time of writing (May 17), most of us are coming out of proper quarantine and have the ability to do more than the height of the coronavirus outbreak. But most places still have “stay at home orders” and mobility is limited not to forget having to maintain social distancing and wear masks. That doesn’t mean we should take the opportunity to get some fresh air. Take a walk into a park or go on a hike. If you don’t have trails or parks are too crowded, take a step outside and find some space for yourself. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale fully out of your mouth like you’re doing yoga. The feeling is amazing! Being at home, you get caught up on TV and being on the phone. Otherwise the constant claustrophobia of being inside for too long can be hard on the mind. So just taking a step outside to the front yard or curb even for 2 minutes will help a good reset for the mind.

Spend More Time Remembering What You Have
The most important thing to remember amidst all of this, is one thing! COUNTING YOUR BLESSINGS! During times like these, being stuck in side and having fear based media plague the TV and social media, it can be hard to stay positive. Most of us have lost something during Covid19, from our jobs to our everyday freedoms. During this time, I was an essential worker and was grateful to be able to still have a job. But even so, I found myself down and out. I hated being at work and started to complain about, everything. But I thought to myself, I have income, I have a roof over my head, and food on the table. Best of all, I have life. I don’t know who you are out there. But if you are reading this, you have the simple blessing to be able to read this. If you are reading this, think about all the things you do have in your life.
Lunch break from work Movie night at home
In this age, much of us have a lot of pleasures most didn’t have 100 years ago, the internet. Having the world at our fingertips allows us to not only binge watch Netlix for countless hours. But it gives us the power, to empower ourselves however we wish so as long as we seek it. We have music, books, podcasts, the news, movies, world travel, blogs, trading stock…just about everything at our fingertips and accessible in a matter of seconds. Oh yea, we can Zoom our hearts away to attend church, events, and talk to loved ones.

I live in Hawai’i and from the outside in, one must be thinking that it’s so easy to right a blog on empowerment and positive energy. Anthony is surrounded by everyones dream of mountains, beautiful beaches, & aloha. But the truth is, Hawai’i behind the tourism posters and flyers, is a place like anywhere else. We have our own issues and live hard working lives like anywhere else. Only we have the option to go surfing and take a hike both in one day at our choosing. Point is, I am no better than anyone else. I may live in Hawai’i, have a job, and have traveled to 38 countries so far. Yet still have suffered from Covid-depression. It’s not about what’s taken away from us right now. It’s about what we have, who we have, and of course…our beautiful lives.

This was Beautiful! I only wish I can help take away that pain now and forever 💔. But I know you have come a long way, and see that positives overcome the negatives. This is important because it does bring motivation and happiness to continue your dreams of traveling for as long you want to. Sadness has no place here because you have accomplished more than anyone can say. Keep Going!!!
You are an inspiration.