March is upon us and to think, DAMN, we are already one quarter of our ways into 2023. Hell, it’s still a new year to me and I’ve been asking myself, where does time go? Well time is the single element in our lives that has no prejudice to our lives, no care for what we do, or how we use it. Time, just goes on!
But without geting overly philosophical on that note, “time” IS, he most valuable element in my life, even over money. Because I recognize that no matter how much we need money to survive in this day and age of hard time, money can be earned back, Time cannot. As I get older and older and I’d only presume others in there near mid 30’s would understand too, that there is no time for bullshit as we creep closer and closer to a time where we may not be as physically fit for the things we love, like travel.
This is where it comes down to my life here in Hawai’i, one of the single most expensive places in the states. From real estate, rent, groceries, inter-islands flights, and don’t get me started on car registration for my Mits Lancer ($350). But while I can talk and talk about how expensive it is to live here, a reality I was aware of when I sat on a beach in the Marshall Islands prior to my move here like, “Am I ready for this?”. It was the time concept I was highly unprepared for in this place.
Harsh reality is, my heightened passion, joy, and love for my content creation collides with everything here. As my Youtube channel slowly blossoms, my consistency flows across all platforms to what people say, “they love my content”, and the more commited I am to what I do as I get more grounded in my intentions. The harder and harder it is to maintain a healthy balance in an already unhealthy living circumstance in Honolulu & the islands of Hawai’i.
I never like to jump on any of my platforms to bitch and complain about anything, especially if I CHOSE to live here. But I will always be transparent and honest when it comes to my travels, which my time very much is here in Hawai’i. The only reason why I am here is to learn from Hawaiians, their culture, tradition, and struggles and my god I’ve immersed so much I can see it so.
But sadly, those experiences are only a mere 5% of my time here while I work, work, and work to maintain the pilars of a roof over my head, food on my table, and gas in my car to meet these Hawaiians. I don’t even go to the beach nor have a social life. I mean, can you imagine a world traveler with no social life in Hawai’i?
This is where I all comes down to time and what I recognized is not neglect in my content creation, but merely cutting corners. I have had to cut corners in a lot of places like certain projects that require alot of my time I dont have. And sadly, one of those things is cutting out time for my blog which you’d be suprised as a Youtuber, just how much I LOVE to write.
Writing takes, patience, love, TLC, especially for deep posts on culture and time. Time to gather images, links, videos, resources to curating tools for SEO and exposure on the web. I absolutely enjoy doing all of this as it’s an extension of my storytelling in words of my travels & life experiences. But man, I’m in a severe chokehold work-life-content creation balance here and I am not sure how much more I can take. I am just tired of being tired all of the time!
I am coming close to wrapping up vital connections with Hawaiians for a visual story I plan to tell, similar to Living Like A Palauan, only deeper and more emotional. And with my big Pacific Islands trip on the horizon, I’m not just so much over this chokehold of a life here, but I am ready to move on. The thing is, my time here did not go unutilized and wasted in pure struggle. But mentally and psychologically, I have become so Hawaiian in the mind that I am more ready than I could have ever imagined, to go out in the world as a respectful content creator and a traveler. All of which I look forward to writing down and documenting for my beloved readers at some point because my story here is very special and unique.
All in all and to cap this quick blog up I’m doing on an early morning over coffee at my own time before I go off to work-land. I have endless amounts of both video and blog content to share, it’s literally no joke. To my dear readers who I know understand my point of view of hardship on these islands, I am still sorry for my absence. However I can promise you, alike those many who are patiently waiting for more video content on my other platforms, ‘You are in for one hell of a Voyage’. :’)