From time to time, I write a deep read! Wasn’t sure about posting this but, in essence, this post helps people understand what drives me and what pushes me to be a greater traveler….overall a greater human being!
Here we go… ❤️
👨🎓 This week 11 Years ago, I walked across that stage, graduating college with a degree in Digital Media and to this day, I always consider that day, DAY ONE of my life.
😔 Truth be told, I never even landed a successful job or career in Digital Media, other than what I do for my Youtube Channel & Blog. It used to bum me out getting jobs across three different states only to land on my ass each time unemployed. And while I set aside ambitions with that degree, I truly never gave up following my true, actual, and ultimate dream. That growing curiosity over the course of my life on a global scale, which was world travel. 🗺

Key West, Florida, The first solo trip
💔 It hasn’t been the easiest past decade, dealing with heartbreak, depression, near suicide, anxiety, loneliness, unemployment, lack of direction, being broke, injury, more heart break, a pandemic, and now an unsettling post pandemic “potential WW3 high rising cost of f***ing everything” world we live in.
❤️🩹But in between the cracks of those life obstacles & 39 countries and then some later, one thing has never changed. In fact, itʻs gotten better over the years. Itʻs the simple fact, that I always find a way! No matter whatʻs going on in my life or the world, there is ALWAYS a way!

2015: Havana, Cuba | 2016: Santorini, Greece
🙌 Sometimes I never acknowledge and appreciate how un-freakin-beleivably beautiful my life is. How truly free I am to know, at the drop of a dime, if can just go to India for three months if I wanted to. Oregon sounds cool, let try that. Teach English in Vietnam, okay!
💪 The degree I got didnʻt exactly pan out the way I wished, but I still kept going. Didnʻt matter how shattered my heart was in that relationship, I kept going. Didnʻt matter how little the money was in the bank account, I kept going!

2017: San Francisco, California
🙇♂️ A decade ago, I used to be bitter and angry. Now, I am full of heart, love, genuine joy, happiness, & peace. What used to trigger me, now comes with strategic thinking. Because I recognize on autopilot, what truly matters & and what does NOT.

2021: Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
And LASTLY, I donʻt people please nor do I need validation like I used to. Hell, I could be alone for a whole year in Hawai’i and I can still be the happiest person on the planet. But there are literally ONLY two people apart from my family that I want to make proud. That is 5 year old me, looking ahead to my current self only wishing I lived an adventurous and fun life ahead. And 75 year old me, looking back living my best life, with no regrets. 🙏

2022: Maui, Hawai’i
CONCLUSION: The past ten years have proven something. If I had gone through those insane hardships then, the next ten years?….I got this sh**! 😁🤙🏽

I no longer have shame or embarrassment about posting some of the personal things I posted. That’s not just because I’ve gracefully move on from those things knowing how much more solid and better of a human being I’ve become. But mostly because, someone out there on their computer or phone, could probably benefit from reading this 💞
Have any feedback or anything to share, please feel free to comment below.
Till next blog voyagers! 🙂