Week 1
Oct. 11: The Hula Voyage Begins: Blessed, proud, & ecstatic to announce that I’ve officially joined a hālau hula(hula school) here on O’ahu, Hawai’i. Through a Tiktok I posted a couple of months ago, I was invited by a member of the hālau who gave reference to his kumu (leader) about how I wanted to learn more about Hawaiian culture and find a way to give back. After explaining through a zoom meet, yesterday I had my first practice and absolutely loved it (as I anticipated anyways). My legs hurt (as anticipated also) but ready to get some stronger legs. I am doing this not only for the workout, but to explore the inner roots of these Hawaiian islands through one of its most important features apart from Hawaiian language, and that’s through hula dance which tells a story through hand and arm movements! This experience is something I would seek out in my travels. Blessed to do it right here at home. As of today, I have officially joined the halau.

Week 2: True Commitment
Oct. 17: This evening was my second hula practice and was incredible. My core and leg strength has dramatically improved in the past week now that I’m committed to hula, and PROUD. But something happened in the practice that really hit me. As we practiced our hula learned from last week with today’s additions, our kumu (leader) added his oli (chant) while we were all dancing. This is when I realized, I AM REALLY DOING THIS! I can’t believe it!!!! It also felt so empowering to be a contribution in preserving such a strong cultural practice and that is Hawaiian hula
. On the very mound where ancient practices by Hawaiians took place. Words can describe only so much. The feeling is totally something else. So blessed!!!!!

Week 4: Spiritual Reset:
Took a trip to the mainland for a long overdue return home to visit family. It’d been 3 and a half years since I left for travel and would eventually move to Hawai’i. During my time home, I had time to do a Zoom call with some of the guys of the halau. Being away from Hawai’i during my new commitment but being in the familiar place of my home was weird but allowed me some unique appreciation for the blessing I had become a part of. While I was away, I stuck to routine leg work outs to keep my legs strong for my return. I needed it!

Month One
Nov. 22: Back in Hawai’i as of Thursday and wasn’t sure I’d make it back for practice due to my work schedule and transport issues. But it was meant to be as one of the other hālau members was able to give me a lift as he lives on this side of the island. (Hula practice is a bit far) Usually he’s busy and unable to go to practice but today was a special day . Although I’ve practiced on my own, practicing on the hula mound is where the true workout is and was really intense coming back. Truly showed me how important it is to show up and practice. Got a chance to meet some older members to get some inspiration for newbies like myself and ever greater of a reminder that it’s a blessing to be a part of something so big! One of the members snapped this shot of practicing! (I am directly below the sun)
Two weeks later..
Dec. 7: Meeting Older Guys of the Halau: Paying tribute to the passing of our Kumu’s dear mom who was the foundation and inspiration for the hālau. This gave the ability and chance to meet many of the older guys of the Halau, some from the beginning. Seeing everybody old and new (myself) coming together on the hula mound was really inspiring as it allowed me to see first hand what I’ll be learning and how rewarding the hard work will be. Doing some of what I’ve learned and observing first hand what I’ll continue to learn. It was also nice to see the unified brother hood that is this hālau and beyond blessed and grateful to be welcomed in. It also provided more in depth meaning of the hālau, what it stands for, and what it does for the guys that even if I had just joined two months ago, has done for me as well. I joined the right hālau I’ve been told and I believe it so. This year has been a rough journey, one that would knock me off my tracks with the travel plans I had. But I got knocked into something with a deeper and greater life meaning that will mold me to become a greater kāne….a warrior!
Month Two
Dec. 12: Learning Couples Hula: This past Saturday was a new journey within an already new journey. Kumu and I and a couple of other guys of the halau took a drive up to Hau’ula towards the north short of O’ahu to meet up with another halau of mostly wahine (women) and some kane (men) to do hula palua (couples hula). Having learned some basic male warrior style hula, this was completely new to me learning some movements in hula that most of the world knows of. It was strange taking the little I’m still learning and applying it to another new lesson with the opposite sex. But at the same time, it was a lot of fun learning something new and seeing just how far I can go with this incredible hula experience. Can’t stress how blessed I am to experience all of this. Stay tuned

Dec. 19: Getting A Hawaiian Name: This weeks practice was beyond special than anything I’ve ever experiences in Hawai’i period. Greater than all the places I’ve seen and even joining the halau itself. My kumu pulled me aside and asked me what Hawaiian names mean and I gave him my best educated answer based on what I read and my Polynesian experiences across the islands. After a long enlightening chat with my kumu, I was officially given a Halau name or in simple terms, a Hawaiian name with really incredibly special significance to me and the halau. When given a halau name, it’s something that should be sacred and special to you, not to go off and say HEY, I am (name goes here). I mean you can do whatever you want but for the special meaning that’s to be had and what I learned from my kumu, is that it’s not just a name that grows on you. It’s a name you grow with and into, in simplest terms I can describe.

How did/do I feel? I feel absolutely blessed and grateful to the stars and back. I mean, I was almost short on words. I don’t know, maybe it’s an exaggeration from a local or haole standpoint. But from my heart, spirit, and soul…this means the world to me and excited to grow into my Hawaiian name…..
Hula Voyage Continues: Check Out Part 3 (Coming Soon)