Coming from the eastern side of the Czech Republic traveling east to the capital of Prague, I could not pass up a visit to the bone church in Kutná Hora. Researching how to get there proved to me that train travel is much more flexible being there than the internet, especially in Europe. Waking up early in the city of Brno, I had my hostel receptionist research train travel to Kutna Hora. Fortunately for me, there was a direct train from Brno to Kutná Hora in an hour. So I happily checked out, hopped on a train heading to Prague (I had an empty car 90% of the way), and boom, in an hour and change, I was in the small town of Kutná Hora. I could have easily taken a bus or taxi from the station, but considering budget travel and a short walk, I headed straight to the bone church on foot. Upon arrival, there were a few tour groups ready to enter.

In order to avoid having to stand within or around an annoying tour guide, I quickly entered the seemingly innocent church. After paying 90 Crowns (About $4 and change US) at the front counter, you are greeted with bones everywhere, from above and around the desk to the ceiling and walls. Down about 10 steps is the infamous chandelier of bones that will leave you with a “Holy Shit” or a “Woah” or “Wow”. It is absolutely a mind blowing sight to see such an assembly of human bones by someone from many years ago. One each I guess you could say, corner of the interior are pyramids of human skulls. On one corner is a shield representing the Coat of Arms of the Schwarzenberg. The rest of Kutna Hora is a pretty cool town to see. Unfortunately I only got to see the church and ate lunch at at restaurant down the street, but a visit here is a must if you have time to kill in the Czech Republic.