In slew of instagram and Tiktok stories and posts of celebrating Living Like A Palauan was more than just a year later reflection. But the legacy of that project for all that i do.
Living like a palauan, was a result a deep intention from the moment I booked a flight to Palau to the day of publication. That if I went to Palau, id immerse into the people, learn from them, document and share in a creative way through storytelling.

And despite working 3 jobs in Hawai’i, working on a Hawaiian project, and doing deep dives into Palau miles away from the islands, I put everything into it to bring it to life. Hadn’t had covid for three years, and always reflect: I worked so hard on this project that I broke my immense system to getting covid for the first and so far only time!

Image credit: Pacific Note (Facebook)
I knew that all I envisioned doing in my cultural travels was heavily depended on the work in that, and I wasn’t wrong! Where my immersion through native Hawaiians took off was right after publication of living like a palauan. As it served as prime visuals to what I do and value as a cultural creator/traveler. Which had a domino effect into other island peoples across social media, who are now, ready for my arrive on this upcoming trip.

In conclusion, Living Like A Palauan, will always a project dearest to me on this onward and upward voyage into my world as a cultural traveler. ☺️
Stay tuned voyagers 🙂

Want to Support Me?
And if you would love to support and fund my ongoing cultural immersive documenting work I will be doing in the Pacific,
Please consider checking out my GoFundMe

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