Here I am, sort of lost in Blah blah, Slovakia in a strong desperate but understanding attempt to see a castle, Beckov Castle, way off the beaten path. Despite the courage, I almost expect this kind of thing to happen. It is part of the adventure and sacrifice that comes with the wanderlust and strong desire for travel, especially working so hard back home to be where I am. Although keeping in mind safety and being wise, I never forget that these mishaps are what make travel such a learning experience as well. It’s one of those “yea that happened!” or “I can’t believe that happened!” So even though I am killing time yet keeping note of this experience, cheers to castle that I may or may not see, cheers to this trip, cheers to travel and cheers to getting lost. 🙂

(One hour later)
…In conclusion and to wrap up the topic with some reality, I did not see the castle I wanted to see. I found it’s worth of seeing was diminished after missing two trains, getting on the wrong one, getting stuck in the middle of nowhere, and finally meeting a sketchy woman. First, who seemed very helpful informing me that there was no bus service where I needed to go eventually turned into helping me far more than I even wanted to help myself. She began to ask me how long I was in town and in Slovakia for and if I was alone. Next trying to get me to stay in the local hotel not to far from the station. And last but not least, calling one of her “sons” to start the car and pick us up to take us to the castle. After I declined and started my way back to the station she began to insist even more. At that point, I knew what i had to do. I could have decided on a taxi but this woman’s persistence honestly ruined it for me. I am alone, I am not familiar of where I am, time, and the options I had to get to this castle now gone, seeing the castle was a no go. After I confirmed this in my head, I gave a final no to the woman and she then turned away and vanished. Fortunately I made friends with some locals on the train back to Bratislava, chatting away, exchanging stories, and singing Frank Sinatra – New York New York, in Slovak. Interesting but great day! Getting lost ain’t always a bad thing. 🙂