I’ve had so much curiosity about this country since I was in High School, studying maps on my own time around the world. Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe, and I guess one of many small countries of the world. After I decided to visit Belgium, I figured it would make sense to visit Luxembourg and kill that curiosity of mine. I’ve had so many people try to persuade me to visit other places. They say it’s boring. It has no culture.



That only validates my point that everyone has a different way to travel. Everyone has a different appreciation of places. While some would think sucks or is boring other still find beauty and appreciation. Luxembourg City is no Paris, Rome, or Amsterdam where hoards of people roam expecting to experience something out of a post card but instead it’s crowded with people with the same expectation. While I don’t find fulfillment in those kinds of places, others do. Others may like a common itinerary in a “common place”. To me, Luxembourg is not that kind of place. Well, I say the whole country because it is indeed a fairly small country.




Luxembourg City is an incredible little capital city with plenty to do. It’s multicultural as I’ve seen all kinds of faces, this is due to many Europeans coming for work since taxes are much lower not to forget the purpose of shopping. The city has a gorgeous and unique looking historic center with fortification walls hanging over a what seems to be a small village (Grund) in the middle of the metropolis. Trains running across beautiful viaducts with a modern skyline as it’s foreground. It’s fairly pricey as far as lodging goes but Couchsurfing, Airbnb, and grocery shopping allowed me to continue travel on a budget. Lodging- $127 x2nights and $28 groceries for two and a half days. $9 for two days worth of travel via public transport. The cool thing is, you can buy a day pass for 4 Euro to any public transport in the country. This includes buses and trains.




I arrived from Belgium on St Pattys day and had a great time with a Couchsurfer and his buddies in the Grund area. People love a good party there. There are so many incredible places to see in the center and north of the country. With many small beautiful villages like Esch-sur-Surê and tons of castles. The rolling green landscape is incredible when you make your way up there. It’s very quite in the winter which has it’s ups and downs but Spring and Summer? I can imagine the beauty is this small region of Europe. So in conclusion, if time is tight in Europe and Luxembourg is on the way, try and make a stop in Luxembourg, it’ll be worth your time. And if you do have time, go anyway. 🙂
