Countries Visited
A Perez Voyages
American Samoa
Where am I?
Behind “Living Like A Palauan”
Living Like A Palauan was by far the greatest and best manifestations of how I wanted to tell a story via an entire culture, custom, and way of life. This whole video was an idea turned project spanning 5 months from the day I first set foot in Palau to the day of the...
City Walks: Exploring Koror | PALAU 🇵🇼
A nation of nearly 20,000 people, is a city of more than half that population atop an island chain of coral limestone rock islands. Koror, is the main populous city and center of the Palau island chain and is by far one of the most picturesque cities I've ever had the...
From Diving, Jellyfish Lake & Rock Islands to learning language, customs, and way of life in 'Pristine Paradise'...I begin my YouTube journey as a bridge of tourism to immersing in everything Palau. If you're new to my YouTube channel, please consider subscribing...

Support me via GoFundMe
Aloha voyagers and dear readers and supporters of all that I do! Recently on my social media, I announced my next trip that included all of my intended stops as well as my intentions in each place in regards to documenting the culture. And I honestly couldn't be...

Behind “Living Like A Palauan”
Living Like A Palauan was by far the greatest and best manifestations of how I wanted to tell a story via an entire culture, custom, and way of life. This whole video was an idea turned project spanning 5 months from the day I first set foot in Palau to the day of the...

Unique Japanese Ruins & Sites Across Babeldaob, Palau
Did you know, Palau was colonized four different times in the past 300 years? By the Spanish, Germans, Japanese, and yes the Americans. But the most impactful occupation and colonization was done by the Japanese, leaving behind much of their culture and some...

FOOD of Palau: What did I Eat? 😋 🇵🇼
Palau is world renowned, for it's beautiful and picturesque ROCK ISLANDS, diving, and Jellyfish lake. But how could one enjoy all these things without being immersed in the one necessary element to travel in the first place....FOOD!!!! Palau isn't anything like it's...

From Diving, Jellyfish Lake & Rock Islands to learning language, customs, and way of life in 'Pristine Paradise'...I begin my YouTube journey as a bridge of tourism to immersing in everything Palau. If you're new to my YouTube channel, please consider subscribing...

Scuba Diving Palau is a MUST!
Palau is one of the most beautiful and colorful places in the world with hues of the best blues throughout it’s Southern Lagoon. And that is not the exclude it’s reef around the main island chain. While many comes for Milky Way, Jellyfish Lake, and shark city within...
A Little About A. Perez

At 26 years old, I left my job and your average 9-5 life in South Carolina to travel the world. I spent 6 incredible months in Southern Europe and ended up becoming a nomad. Eight years later, I am still exploring, at 39 countries and then some. My goal is to listen, observe, learn, and respectful share all beautiful elements of the world, from beautiful destinations to beautiful cultural immersion.