Countries Visited
A Perez Voyages
American Samoa
Where am I?
Exploring O’ahu 🌺 (Playlist Trailer)
Hikes to Beaches, Mountains to Sea, O'ahu is the most populous island of Hawai’i, yet filled with ENDLESS ADVENTURE. This montage of some of the incredible places I've experienced while living in Hawai’i, is a kickstarter for a playlist of vlogging, visuals, &...
Belize INCREDIBLE Cave River Tubing & Zip-Lining
Belize has many incredible and fun adventures to embark on, from island hopping the Cayes to exploring Mayan Ruins. In the Maya Mountains region of Belize are a number of National Parks and nature reserves. Some of these reserves allow for river tubing, such as Nohoch...
How the MOTORCYCLE DIARIES Impacted my Travels!
COVID: A GLOBAL BUMMER It’s Winter 2021 and the world is slowly coming out of the pandemic (Screw you Omicron). It has been three years since I came back from a pure world travels trip and lets just say, that I REALLY miss travel. I have been avoiding any of my...

Nauru: A Small Island Nation With Big Charm
A tiny dot in the Pacific is a common phrase to define most of the small islands in the biggest ocean in the world. But tiny Nauru seems to really define that very well. I mean the island is near round and is small enough to drive around in 30 - 33 minutes by car....

How Much Does It Cost To Visit Tuvalu?
Talofa! Tuvalu is one of the most adventurous, rewarding, and beautiful place I've ever had the opportunity to travel to. I like to think, that if a place has a number of obstacles in order to visit, it will make it far more rewarding of an experience. For Tuvalu,...

How to Buy A Vehicle in New Zealand
New Zealand is such a dream within a dream! The beauty is endless from Cape Reinga to the Fjords in the South Island. New Zealandʻs working holiday gives every adventurer the opportunity to fund their travels around New Zealand. Meaning, one can see the country on...

How to Apply for a Nauru Visa (Online)
So you want to visit Nauru, but realize how complicated the visa process is with information online being super vague & confusing However, you still want to visit regardless because your are an adventurer and will do what it takes to visit, just like I did. Nauru...

How to HITCH A SAIL | South Pacific Experiences
Hitchhiking was a major step forward for me in my travels and in my life as it opened the possibilities to travel with no restrictions. Being in the South Pacific only further pushed my desire to find a ride a new and incredible way, by sail on the open seas. I sailed...

Sailing the South Pacific | An Inspiring First Experience
My name is A. Perez Voyages and the word voyages comes with many different definitions. Travel via sea, air, or land. I’ve traveled by plane since I was a baby. By car in many different ways. Over the rails in Europe, Canada, and across the US of A. Ferries in Greece,...
A Little About A. Perez

At 26 years old, I left my job and your average 9-5 life in South Carolina to travel the world. I spent 6 incredible months in Southern Europe and ended up becoming a nomad. Eight years later, I am still exploring, at 39 countries and then some. My goal is to listen, observe, learn, and respectful share all beautiful elements of the world, from beautiful destinations to beautiful cultural immersion.