A Trip that Could Have Been

July the 8th, 2020 would have been the very day I would have set forth on my next extended voyage for the Pacific Islands bound for Australia. By now (at the time of writing- mid July) I would be exploring Tutuila island or the outer islands in American Samoa with a trajectory onward to Samoa, Tokelau, and a select number of Pacific Islands before heading to Australia for my working holiday visa. But that has changed, thanks to the global pandemic and ongoing resurgence of new infections, travel isn’t happening.

American Samoa has one of the toughest restrictions being closed off from the outside world. But that goes for just about 90% of the world’s countries, territories, and commonwealths. Travel is completely on hold and alike many adventurers out there around the world, no one is going anywhere. Unless it’s within your own country or like Europe’s Shengen Area. Doesn’t matter if you’re confident about traveling or not, it’s just not practical at the moment. Restrictions, quarantine, many businesses being shut down, having to wear a mask and sanitize. Let alone getting scrutinized about traveling period. It’s not the right time!

In all honesty, I’ve have had hope these coming weeks to make this trip happen even if it meant wearing a mask and having to sanitize. But I just wasn’t realistic with myself: people were still getting sick and dying from a second outbreak, businesses are mostly closed, flights and transport is cut in half to minimal to NONE, and no one feels safe taking in a traveler let alone getting close to one.
Wanna try couchsurfing? I think not.
Hostel? Hell no
As hope diminished by the week leading to the first week of July, I’ve dealt with utter and complete sadness and even depression. I’m being completely honest and transparent! I am no different from Kara & Nate to an average small Youtuber like myself. Kara & Nate may have the following, but I am sure this is affecting them mentally and psychologically as well irregardless to how sustainable they are with their content. It’s affecting all of us!
BUT alike all trials I’ve faced in my travels, there is always a bright side. Hell, ask all well traveled voyagers out there who have experienced strife while traveling, how they managed hard falls on the road. It’s not so much about what happens, but about how you deal with it and find a way to make your situation better which allows for a better path down the line.
Create New Plans to be Excited For

Travel within Your Means
While we take for granted what is all around us, this is most important during this time. I live in Hawai’i and while that’s extreme of an example being that this is one of the most beautiful parts of the world, I still found myself in need to take advantage of what surrounds me even more. I went on more hikes, went to the beach more, took a drive around the island, visited my favorite Hawaiian museum, and enjoyed more mini picnics at the park facing the mountains here. Even managed to get my Open Water Scuba Dive certification this past week! Hell of a way to set up for experiences underwater once travel opens back up.

This is no greater time to truly understand Hawai’i and give back to the culture. I’ve recently pushed a greater priority to learn more about Hawaiian culture, history, and language by taking online Hawaiian lessons at least once a week. I am currently looking into joining a Halau Hula (at the appropriate time) which is a school to learn to dance hula.
Travel out of your means (Brainstorming Plan B, C, & D)
While travel is a no go at the moment and plans being canceled or postponed, that allows for new and further research on what could be once travel opens back up. With more time to plan, my trip might turn out to be ten times better and I am no stranger to this. Back in 2017, I injured my achilles tendon canceling my first initial Pacific Islands trip to New Zealand. I stayed in Hawai’i for four total months meeting and staying with my current girlfriend before flying straight to New Zealand. By doing so I allowed myself enough funds for my dream motorcycle in New Zealand and the ability to see the country without having to glance at my funds much. This also allowed me to research more about the Pacific Islands giving me much more appreciation and love enough to have 10 times better of a trip than planned. Much more realistic and allowed me the ability to grow enough to have the courage to wing it to the second.

This is exactly what I foresee happening with my next trip. Covid has allowed me to rethink some things about my content. Last week I bought a drone and about to buy a GoPro 8. I am also considering upgrading my video to a DSLR camera for better quality videos. In this time, I’ll be focusing on projects around Hawai’i that will enhance my documenting experience to the next level. I’ve been seeking out ways I can be more sustainable, and this time might be the calling for this to be possible. Who knows…

As for the travel path, it looks to remain relatively the same. However, if I grow in the way I wish, I might find that sustainability to have a more continuous travel path beyond the original plan. Traveling to Australia as originally planned but having the ability to work remotely. Continuing on beyond Australia to more Pacific Islands having complete freedom.
Why am I rambling about this?
Because I know whoever is reading this, might be able to relate and had to rethink and replan because of this. I just hope to set some form of an example that despite the sadness and depression of this all, this is nothing but a means to make something good, GREAT! Hell….effing awesome!

I pray that you all are doing well and staying positive. I know it’s been a hell of a rough journey both emotionally and psychologically for me as I’m sure it has been for you. I do hope that the imagery, flashbacks, and positive words and energy helps to promote a healthy mindset during this time. Please do feel free to comment below or message me anywhere throughout my social media. I love to connect with all of you and build a community. 🙂