It’s been three years too long and finally coming back from my very first international trip to Belize, a country I’ve been to, yet still served as a great reentry into some form of global travel. Over a year of zero travel was in my control, but over a year additionally was not no thanks to the pandemic. Let’s just say it’s been a long time coming of stress from lockdowns to tug of war of politics of COVID-19 and the seemingly never ending rampage of new variants. Okay sure domestic travel is fun, but there really is no comparison to the bundle of adventure that comes with a passport stamp.
Here were THREE elements of international travel that I missed so damn much!

The adrenaline!
The preparation. The anticipation. The excitement. The hopes and wishes of a perfect trip. The unknown…. All of these things we ponder on prior to a new international trip no matter how experienced we are as travelers. The rush we get once we land (or cross a border?) and peep at our very first step out of our comfort zones to the initial sightings of new adventure. Passing through immigration with a new stamp and out into this new world we’ve never been. Who will we meet? What will we do? What new things will we try? Where will we go?

Being social… on steroids!
Over a year of covid-19 has put a damper on nearly everyone’s social lives. For a time of quarantine and social distancing to uncertainty of “when we will ‘get back to normal’?” Having taken that leap into travel in another country has taken me back out of that shell I have been in for that long ass year. In fact, I found myself more excited to socialize with strangers and met more people in a shorter time span than before.
I guess you could say, when an important aspect of your life is stripped away, you see how you may have taken it for granted.

Coming back is not the same as never leaving!
Something I live by in any trip I take in the world is how much a trip truly changes you, even in the smallest way. Coming back from a voyage is like taking a detour from your own timeline. Creating memories, visiting new places, taking on new experiences, the foods you try, the music you hear, getting to know others and allowing their stories impact you in a positive way. All this soaking in expands your mind in a way that allows you to become a better person than you were when you left.

Now, imagine if you had stayed home during that time. The wild possibilities to have on a trip on endless in comparison to never going. Belize is a country I’ve been to before. But coming back with a new set of eyes and a soul who’s had more travel experience allowed me to enjoy Belize for the first time all over again. But coming home from this trip, I feel a lighthearted sense of being, a pure energy I haven’t felt in a long time.
This travel soul is back! 🙌🏽

Have you taken an international trip yet?
How did you reminisce travel pre pandemic?
If you haven’t traveled yet, what do you look forward to most?
I would love to hear your comments below! 🙂
Check out these sweet visuals reflected from this blog post on my Youtube channel!
Check out my 2013 trip to Belize! Sure an outdated video experience, but retains the charm of travel! 🙂