In the heart of Polynesia, lies an archipelago known to the world through it’s iconic dance and notable celebrities such as the Rock whos pride emanates in his movies and social media. This is Samoa!
At the time of writing this blog, it’s about two months from beginning my long awaited voyage across the Pacific with wheels down in American Samoa, an archipelago I’ve wanted to visit since I was 15 years old. But directly west is the next intended stop of Samoa, formerly Western Samoa. As I continue to plan, make connections on social media, and gear up for the greater voyage that is “One Ocean, One People”, I want to share the three core elements of why I can’t wait to go, what I intend on doing in Samoa, and what I anticipate in the islands
and here we…go

#3 Immersing in the Culture and People:
It is of course to no surprise coming from me, that I desire to immerse directly from the source, the people. And that’s no different from the people of the islands of Samoa. Despite the common notion that all the islands are the same, white sand beaches and hot weather,yea not quite from a cultural standpoint. You see, there are minute details about Samoa that I’ve come to learn prior to my arrival that are unique to Samoa such as behaviorisms, ways of communication, and framework of respect. There is no greater way to understand it like true immersion.

Credit: David Kirkland

#2 Island Exploration in Samoa
I will always crave and desire all opportunities to immerse into people and their traditions. But the innocence of everyday travel is not something I ALWAYS keep on the back burner.

Samoa has two many islands and several smaller islands within Independent Samoa: Upolu & Savaii. Across these beautiful islands are white sand beaches, lush mountains, volcanic heritage sites, waterfalls, and cenotes. Whether traveling by ferry, through friends I made, or on one of the infamous colorful buses, there are endless sights to see that I am beyond stoked for!

Credit: Samoapocketguide
#1 Samoa vs American Samoa: Differences & Similarities
As I connect more with Samoans from both Samoan entitites, the more I have a basic understanding of what the differences between the Samoas are, as well as the similarities. But no matter what I read and no matter what people tell me, there is trully nothing like working the senses and mind to recognize the fine details through my lens across Samoa. While American Samoa leans more torwards it’s ways as an unincorporated territory of the US and Samoa leans torwards it’s connections to Australia and New Zealand, I want to see just how any why.

Quick Backstory on Why Samoa is Special
As mentioned in my vlog & blog about American Samoa, I have been wanting to visit the Samoan islands since I was 15. After all, you cannot do American Samoa without Samoa, and that is exactly what this trip is going to entail. Only it’s part of an interconnected web of Oceania cultural travel through language, traditions, and way of life. Going now not only fullfills my passion to learn through people directly, but fullfills that near life long passion to finally visit Samoa.

When Will I Be in Samoa?
My Pacific Islands 2024 voyage is quite extensive, beginning in Hawai’i down to the Samoas and onward acrsso Polynesia, Micronesia and eventually parts of Australia and the whole of Melanesia. And while I have no clue when I will be on the later intended destinations, I have a better idea about the first few destinations. American Samoa being my first stop, will be in February 2024. Which means, Samoa will most likely end up being in February to March of 2024 since it’s the second stop.

Be sure to check out my my trip prep vlog for Samoa as I continue to prepare for this voyage! 🙂
Also, be sure to check out my ongoing preparations via vlogs on my Youtube channel.
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