My family has officially retired in Belize, with a beautiful home fully completed and now occupied.
So am I going to move to Belize? …..well, NOT YET

Belize is Officially Home
In the middle of the pandemic my Mom and step dad had locked their eyes on Belize after a choosing game between multiple Central American countries, early 2021 saw the purchase and clearing of property & by the time I returned to Belize in October of the same year, a structure was just nearly complete. And just four months later, my family slowly made their way into their new home.

Showing Face & Providing Family Blessing
In March of 2022, I made a week trip from Hawai’i back to Belize shortly after my grandparents made their official move and this was just the right time to be present and give what I personally call, my blessing alongside my dear family members. And that week long trip in this beautiful new home was exactly that. Not only taking a proper break from the work grind, but helping where I can with house stuff and arrangements like receiving a car from the states. Being with my family was everything I could ask for and no matter where they are, it truly is always everything to me.
Our home is very beautiful and is definitly the perfect set up and resting place for retirement. Itʻs low key just like Belize is in general, has a great view of the sea, and just isn;t much to do which is exactly what my family was looking for in retirement. And from the depths of my heart, I won;t hesitate to express how happy I am for them. But what about me?

Why Wonʻt I Move to Belize, Yet
Iʻve been ask this quite often or otherwise, nudged on the side like, “So youʻre going to move there now right?”…… Well no!
Truth is, while I can easily pack my bags and go anywhere I want to including with my family in Belize, the truth simply is, I have so much more travel I wish to have under my belt on this side of the world first before I head back in the general world direction I am from (North America). With ongoing travel ambitions to return to the South Pacific Islands including Australia, itʻs hard to walk away from the ease of access to these remote locations while living in Hawai’i.

In addition to that, Iʻm so deeply immersed into Pacific culture at the moment that I just cannot walk away from it yet. I mean, there is ALWAYS something to learn about Hawaiian & Pacific culture. But I know and feel that there will be a time where I will be grateful or all Iʻve learned to move onto the next thing and now is just not the time yet.
Lastly and in relation of those two things, as a content creator I am just as much committed to the overall immersion of where I am that goes hand in hand with the quality and true essence of my content on this side of the world. Be it of Hawai’i where I live, Tuvalu where Iʻve been, or Samoa where I intend to be. I am still very much in the center of creating content of all these interconnected cultures in that leaving mid way would be cutting myself off from the best content I could create.

Volunteer work in a taro field: Oʻahu, Hawai’i
So when will I move?
While I had no set time frame of when that move will be as travel can change plans dramatically. But within the next several years after having traveled around the Pacific and some of Asia. Along with intentions of better financial sustainability and more of remote work circumstances would I be absolutely ready for that move. As work in Belize isnʻt enough to really live off of in US standards of living and saving for travel.
So in short, do well with Youtubing, Blogging, with a sprinkle of remote work to live comfortably off of.

In the end…
…the beauty of my life at the moment is that I can pick and go wherever the hell I want. I can leave Hawai’i tomorrow and decide to move to Vietnam, Italy, or Belize as the drop of a dime. While of course I have commitments already here in Hawai’i for the time being, I am a free bird and the road is wide open for me.
But regardless of what I do and where I go, Belize….is HOME