Palau is world renowned, for it’s beautiful and picturesque ROCK ISLANDS, diving, and Jellyfish lake. But how could one enjoy all these things without being immersed in the one necessary element to travel in the first place….FOOD!!!!
Palau isn’t anything like it’s neighbor Philipines whos food personalities are vibrant and full of flavors. But that doesn’t mean Palau doesnt have flavor of it’s own.
Here are some of the unique things I tried, from fresh food, to desert…including Kool Aid?

Caught not bought, Palaun Fishing

Bento / Plate Lunch

Local Deserts
And apart from fine dining in central Koror with Pizzas, comfort American foods, Chinese and other asian dishes, Palau does have some local treats to enjoy too. Like AHO, tapioca starch, coconut milk, coconut meat with sugar (a literal time portal to my childhood). 🥥 🥥 🥥

And of course, another coconut based ball of deliciousness called, UKAEB. Crab shell filled with minced crab meat topped with coconut cream…🫶🏽🤩 ..lets just say i went into the multiverse. 🦀 🥥

On a camping note, rice, kimchee, & coco brand canned tuna is the literally dish to have while camping or fishing. (Don’t forget nori (seaweed)) 🪸 🍚 🍣
On the one and only incredible fishing day with my friends, we made a fire on the island we were at and while the fish was cooking, we unpacked the bowl of rice we had, opened up some coco tuna, a bag of kimchee and dove in with individual seaweed slices to pick up. Call this the best budget appetizer….or course meal ;).

…How About Some Kool-Aid with that?
Lastly, I have to make honorable mention to a local sweet: Take fresh peeled fruit like mango, and mix it with kool aid for one super sweet but bombshell of a time warp to childhood…..or adulthood who cares. 🥤 🥭
It’s also a thing, to mix a batch of kimchee with Kool-Aid. Sounds weird right? Yes, because it does sound weird. But the taste? Suprisingly it really hit the spot, on the sweet and salty side, but it was actually good!

Non-Palauan Cultural Eats of Koror
In Palau’s largest city Koror, you will find a number of restaurants service non Palauan foods like Indian food at the Taj, Chinese food at MJ Burger, & Italian Gelato all along the main road.

American comfort food from Rock Island Cafe in Koror
I know there are some more foods to try in Palau that I may have missed out on, but these mentions surely made my stomach happy in Belau ☺️ 🇵🇼 😋
If I miss out on anything, please share in the comments below =)
Be sure to check out my other blogs and content on Palau.

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Tucked away on the far western edges of the Pacific islands, Palau is one of the most unique and beautiful destinations of the world. From it's world famous coral limestone Rock Islands to the low lying atoll of Kayangel. "Pristine Paradise" is the official slogan or...
Also, be sure to check out my Youtube content on Palau. (Videos in production)